April 2012
Welcome back to a new edition of our newsletter "A Healthier You"!
We hope you had a nice Easter break and have not indulged in too many chocolate delights. However, a little chocolate can make us smile. Some of the natural chemicals in chocolate cause the brain to boost levels of endorphins (natural opiates) and serotonin (natural feel-good chemical) that causes the delightful happy feeling many of us associate with chocolate. But don't forget, as with anything in life, balance is the key.
Wishing you the very best of health,
Stephanie Banko
Learning How to Eat
How you eat can affect your mood - take your time and avoid overeating. Only eat until satisfied, not full. It takes time for our brain to realize that we are "full". Many people eat on the run and consume more than is necessary, a lifestyle habit that is contributing more and more cases to obesity and diabetes.
Don't wait until you are hungry. Allowing ourselves to get hungry causes our metabolic rate to drop; our body conserves energy and burns less fat. However, our body requires energy for essential organ supply and now starts to break down lean muscle mass which is easier broken down and converted into energy than fat cells. Eating several small meals a day will keep our metabolism burning. Three meals and two snacks per day is a good starting point for most people. As with anything in life, balance is the key.
Fibre matters more than you think
We all get taught good hygiene habits for our "outside". But what about our "inside"? Just because we can't see "inside" ourselves doesn't mean that nothing accumulates there. Periodic cleansing of the body can help remove the extra collected waste and on a daily basis, one of the best cleaning tools you can give your body is a high-fibre diet.
We need fibre for a healthy digestion, cleansing and regular bowel movements. Fibre is a plant-based nutrient that binds fats, toxins and other contaminants we (unknowingly) consume. It is divided into two categories: soluble and insoluble. You'll find both types in whole fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes.
Get the most out of your Workout
Your body requires different types of energy at different times. To maximise your workout potential, start with complex carbohydrates about one hour before working out. Complex Carbohydrates not only offer a slower, more long-lasting source of energy but also important vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides (glycogen, starch and fibre) which are found in foods such as peas, beans, whole grains, and vegetables.
To boost your energy during a prolonged workout, you may benefit from another small source of complex carbohydrates. Drink plenty of water! Dehydration can result in increased body temperature, heart rate and perceived exertion, fatigue and headaches.
After your workout, you must follow up with a balanced meal that has all nutrients, in particular protein. Consuming a protein shake as well as some carbohydrates can help rebuild your muscle tissue, boost your energy, and make you feel good.
Nutritional News
Boost your memory by eating a brain-healthy diet. Blueberries are a well-known memory-boosting food. They are an extremely good source of fibre, rich in antioxidants and incredibly nutritious.
Blueberries also have a positive effect on intestinal inflammation commonly associated with colon disease. This positive impact seems to be increased if blueberries are combined with probiotics. Try blueberries and yoghurt for a great healthy breakfast next time.
Take a few steps towards “a healthier you” given this simple information:
- Be conscious about what and how you are eating
- Add more fibre to your meals
- Maximise your workout with a supportive diet
- Enjoy a healthy breakfast of blueberries and yoghurt
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